Building Open Source for Everyone

Collaboration, community, and curiosity - essential ingredients to a vibrant open source community and part of Systelab's culture. Systelab's developers participate in a wide variety of open source projects through technical contributions, community leadership, and project innovation.

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Seed Angular

A skeleton for an Angular 5 front-end application, using the different libraries that we internally develop and promote at Systelab. E2E Test is done using Karma and Allure. Instructions for 'electronize' the solution are also provided.

Seed Qt

A skeleton for a QT front-end application, using the different best-practices that we internally promote at Systelab.

Seed JEE

A skeleton for a JEE back-end application, using Bean Validation, JAXB, CDI, JPA, EJB, JAX-RS and Swagger. Security is done with JWT. Component test is done using JUnit and Allure.

Seed .NET

A skeleton for a .NET back-end application, using .NET Core 2.0.0, Entity Framework Core 6.0 and Swagger. Security is done with JWT. Component test is done using xUnit, Moq and Allure.

Seed C++

A skeleton for a C++ application, using the different best-practices that we internally promote at Systelab.

Vibrant communities

Systelab's developers participate in different communities in several areas of interest, sharing their knowledge.

Angular community.

There is a big interest in Systelab in all the Angular related technologies as this front-end framework is the most used in the company.

Apart form the Angular Project Seed that help us quickly bootstrap our projects and dev environment, we are working in a generator and in several open libraries that we share across the projects.

JEE community.

JEE is widely used at Systelab. Apart form the JEE Project Seed and the Spring Boot Project Seed, at Systelab we are working hard in many other libraries and ideas based on Java.

  • Identity is a microservice to be used in the seed projects.

C++ community.

As Instruments Manufacturers, there is a big interest in C++ related technologies in the back-end.

Apart form the C++ Project Seed that help us quickly bootstrap our projects and dev environment, we are working in several open libraries that we share across the projects.

Automated Application Development community.

Automate the Software Development Life cycle to reduce maintenance costs, increase product quality, and improve project productivity is key to our business.

Focus on instrumentation and integration when implementing your automated application development (AAD) tools, will help you to reduce maintenance costs, increase product quality, and improve project productivity.

Apart form the defining an strategy for our internal projects, the community is leading a Jama API and a Jama Client project in order to report the automatic test results.

We are also working in an utility to create test reports from the allure results and in a utility to generate documentation from an OpenAPI specification file.